Apply for Grant

Grant Proposal Outline

Please include the following sections in your grant proposal to the Alabaster Foundation.  Submit via email.
Please note: we provide seed funding to innovative projects in education, entrepreneurship and creative arts. 
We also show preference to projects that demonstrate a model that creates income for sustainable growth beyond the term of the grant. 

1. Project summary

 (2-3 paragraphs)

2. Introduction of the organization

  • Brief biography of director, board members and/or key staff members

  • Organizations goals, philosophy, success stories with other projects/grants, tell us about you.

3. The problem statement

  • The purpose for developing the proposal.

  • The beneficiaries -- who are they and how will they benefit.

  • The nature of the problem (provide as much hard evidence as possible).

  • How your organization came to realize the problem exists, and what is currently being done about the problem. Explain the landscape of the problem and who is working on it globally – what is still lacking?

4. Project objectives: Goals and Desired Outcome

  • What goals do you hope to achieve? Share any long-term goals (3, 5, 10 years)

  • How do these goals relate to your project mission and the greater impact/change you hope to achieve?

5. Project methods or design: Action Plan

  • Make a chart: What activities need to happen in order to achieve these goals and outcomes? What resources are needed to do these activities? 

  • Write a brief narrative justifying the various sections of your action plan, how is it the most economical method for achieving the highest quality results? How does it relate directly to achieving your goals? 

  • Highlight any innovative features of your proposal which could be considered distinct from other proposals under consideration. 

  • Include appendices to provide additional details, for example: schedules, timeline, legal papers, contracts, personal vitae, letters of support, and endorsements  

6. Evaluation  

  • How will you evaluate if the project was successful according to desired outcomes and goals.

  • How will you evaluate if the process was successful? Was the project implemented in consistency with the proposed action plan? How will you document the process?

7. Long-Term Planning and Sustainability

  • Describe a plan for continuation beyond the grant period, and/or the availability of other resources necessary to implement the grant. 

  • What is your model for self-sustaining with a type of income generating activity?

8. The Project Budget

  • What are the total operating costs required to implement this project? Include all budget items even if greater than grant amount.

  • Define the amount you are requesting from the Alabaster Fund.

How to Submit Your Proposal

Proposals are reviewed in the Summer and Winter. 
Please submit proposals via email by May 15th or Nov 10th. 
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